Is Your Diet Stopping You From Losing Weight?
Her biggest roadblock was her weight. She had tried again and again to lose without success, growing up so frustrated she simply gave up trying.
Klepper first tried dieting in college. She tried all the popular programs – Nutrisystem, Medfast, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, LA Weight Loss, the pineapple diet, the cabbage soup diet, Metabolic, Dexitrim, the Diet Pepsi and Cigarettes diet the, 90/10 diet –as well as other fads she saw advertised on television. Nothing worked. Exercise tapes and motivational tapes were not successful either. Her doctor repeatedly told her that the solution was simple: Eat less, exercise more. Although she cried infinite tears of frustration and told him that diets and exercise did not make any difference, he remained unsympathetic to her…